Research Achievements

Buffalo plays an important role in the rural economy through their contribution to food, draught power and income and employment generation. The species is more productive due to higher production potential and higher percentage of fat in the milk and is more sustainable for rearing because of its better feed conversion efficiency and disease resistance. However, there are few consistent problems such as higher age at sexual maturity, long post partum period, long calving interval, seasonality of calving and oestrus expression besides scarcity of superior germplasm in the country. Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes was established on Ist February, 1985 at Hisar Haryana to undertake research on all aspects of buffalo production including milk, meat and draft. A sub campus of the institute was established at Nabha on Ist December, 1987 by acquiring 588 acres of land and other facilities from the Government of Punjab.Several achievements have emerged out of the research work undertaken at the Institute, which hold promise for implementation in the institute herd and also their transfer to the buffalo farmers. Major research achievements of the institute include:

  • 22 top ranking progeny tested bulls identified for elite mating and production of bull calves and progeny tested Buffalo bull semen has become available for breed improvement in the country. More than 50,000 frozen semen doses from PT bulls available.
  • 493 Murrah bulls of high genetic merit have been supplied to various developmental agencies and village panchayats in 12 States of the country for increasing milk production through genetic improvement.
  • The production performance of the Murrah herd improved from 4.80 kg (wet average) in 1992-93 to 7.83 kg in 2011-12. The reproductive performance of the herd also improved as reflected by decline in calving interval (from 502 to 485 days), during the same period.
  • Efficient buffalo bull semen freezing protocol has been developed, leading to improvement in average post-thaw sperm motility from 35% to more than 50%
  • Technology for freezing of static ejaculates – a problem peculiar to buffalo bulls – has been developed which allows successful freezing (over 87%) of static ejaculates with acceptable post-thaw motility
  • Developed protocol for induction of lactation in infertile buffaloes to overcome the problem of conception failures resulting approx 75% buffaloes lactating and producing on an average 4 to 6 kg milk.
  • Developed ‘Ovsynch Plus’ protocol for oestrus induction and ovulation synchronisation in anoestrus buffaloes resulting in about 50% buffaloes in estrus and 30% pregnancies.
  • An area specific mineral mixture has been developed and its beneficial influence on reproductive and productive performance demonstrated through initiation of cyclicity in 70% of anestrous buffaloes
  • tandardized the supplementation of antioxidants in advance pregnant buffaloes for enhancing immunity and growth of neonatal buffalo calves born.
  • Developed package of practices for raising surplus male calves for buffalo meat production.
  • Complete feed ration formulations have been developed using locally available agro-industrial by-products resulting in balanced feeding and reduction in the cost of feeding. Developed the technology for complete feed blocks for higher Dry Matter intake from poor quality roughages, reducing cost of feeding and convenient transportation and reduced storage space.
  • Developed ultrasonography technique for confirmatory early pregnancy diagnosis on day 30 post insemination and fetal sex determination on day 55
  • Differentiation potential (plasticity) of cultured buffalo fetal stem cells demonstrated in vitro.
  • Standardized the protocol of super ovulation in buffaloes and produced 20 calves through ET at the institute. Recently, propagation of superior females through ET resulted in 1.5 progeny per elite dam in one reproductive cycle.
  • Developed protocol for field collection and preservation of semen from farmers champion bulls.

CIRB Sub Campus Nabha

  • A high pedigreed herd of about 400 Nili-Ravi animals has been established at Sub Campus, Nabha. The production performance of the Nili-Ravi herd improved from 5.86 kg (wet average) in 1992-93 to 7.74 kg in 2011-12.
  • 230 Nili Ravi bulls of high genetic merit have been supplied to various developmental agencies and village panchayats.
  • Nutrient requirement of different categories of animals has been established based on Package of practice for rearing buffalo male calves for meat production have been developed.


  • rt Apart fromthe herds of Murrah at Hisar and Nili Ravi at Nabha, elite herds of Surti, Pandharpuri, Jaffarabadi, Bhadawari and Swamp buffaloes established at various centres to undertake genetic improvement through progeny testing ..
  • Ø 177 Murrah bulls put to progeny testing in 13 sets. Test mating from 12 sets of bulls was completed in June 2011. 13thset test mating to continue till Dec. 2012.
  • Ø Progeny test evaluation first 8 sets has been completed on the basis of 305 day or less lactation milk yield. 22 top raking progeny tested bulls identified with percent superiority ranging from 3.53 to 24.89 percent over their contemporary daughters.
  • Ø Over 4.20 lakh doses of frozen semen from test bulls and over 88,000 doses from progeny tested bulls of Murrah breeds are now available under the Network Project.
  • Ø Approximately 5.20 Lakh semen doses and more than 1000 bulls of various breeds disseminated to the farmers/developmental agencies.
  • Ø Overall 45,000 farmers buffaloes associated with the project in about 225 villages under the field progeny testing program. More than 2 lakhs artificial insemination undertaken on farmers buffaloes in the field with 40.68% conception rate over all the centres and across various breeds.

Details of AI, conception and female calves born and daughters calved under the Field Progeny Testing program on different breeds under the Network Project.

Details of AI, conception and female calves born and daughters calved under the Field Progeny Testing program on different breeds under the Network Project.                                                                                          

Breed Total AI Conception Conception rate % Calves Born Daughters calved
Total Female
Murrah         82117 33477 40.77 20756 9893 1304
Pandharpuri 80709 36059 44.68 19895 8063 442
Surti 20952 6022 28.74 4310 1832 130
Jaffarabadi,   19494 7132 36.59 6206 3025
Grand Total 203272 82690 40.68 51167 22813 1876

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Last updated: 30-01-2025