Other Units / Sections

Prioritization, Monitoring & Evaluation (PME) Cell

The PME cell is responsible for prioritizing the research programmes of the institute. In addition to the report on major actionable points submitted to Cabinet Secretary, Govt. of India, it is also responsible for preparation and compilation of monthly, quarterly, six monthly progress reports and annual reports etc. of the institute. The cell is also assigned the duties of arranging IRC meetings and maintenance of the Research Projects Files (RPFs) of the scientists.

Agricultural Knowledge Management Unit (AKMU)

The AKMU maintains the website of the institute https://cirb.icar.gov.in/, internet connectivity and computing facility. AKMU is equipped with new ICT infrastructure such as 100 mbps lease line through NKN (National Knowledge Network) , Window based Hp servers, and LAN network equipped with managed switches and Wi fi routers to support the internet requirement of the institute. It facilitates central services such as laser printing and scanning, additional computer supports for guest users and students, and appropriate application software.

Animal Farm

The institute has a well organised herd, maintained on best husbandry practices. The farm also has experimental shed, where the experimental animals are kept. Round the clock veterinary services are provided though the attached Vety. Dispensary.


The workshop is primarily responsible for maintenance and repair of vehicles, tractors and farm implements. Workshop section provides mechanisation services to the Animal farm and the Agricultural Farm as well as some maintenance services to the Laboratories, Estate Section and the Electrical Section from time to time.

Estate Section

This section caters to the maintenance needs of the office and residential buildings and animal sheds at the Animal Farm and is also responsible for supervising new construction works at the institute.

Electrical Unit

Electrical unit is responsible for repair and maintenance of all electrical and electronic installations, including electric sub-station, operating generator facility and repairs of some small items of laboratory equipment. Power supply to the institute is provided through a 11 KV sub-station and a stand-by 110 KV generator set ensures continuous power to laboratories and offices in the event of power cuts.

Feed Unit

The feed unit, under overall control of the Buffalo Nutrition Division, to meet the requirements of balanced nutritious concentrate mixture to different categories of farm animals like calves, growing heifers, breeding bulls, lactating and dry buffaloes.It is equipped with feed mixing machine with a capacity of processing 10 quintals feed per hour. The unit also has a complete feed block making machine for production of complete feed blocks roughage and concentrate in a ratio of 60:40 for adult animals and 50:50 for growing animals. Complete Feed Blocks reduce the storage space requirement to almost 1/3rd.

This website belongs to , Indian Council of Agricultural Research, an autonomous organization under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India

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Last updated: 30-01-2025