ICAR-CIRB, Hisar organised a training program on scientific buffalo husbandry practices for the dairy farmers at Tauru, Nuh aspirational district of Haryana. The Training program was organised in collaboration with the State Animal Husbandry Department, Nuh district, Government of Haryana. The training program was part of DBT project entitled “Enhancing economy of livestock farmers through AI using cloned buffalo bull semen”. The training program was inaugurated by the chief guest Dr. Virender Singh Sehrawat, Deputy Director, Animal Husbandry Department, Nuh district, Government of Haryana. Training programs were held during 9-11 and 16-18 October, 2023 at Tauru and Kalarpuri village, Nuh district, respectively. About 80 dairy farmers participated in the training (40 dairy farmers in each training) and in which 46.25% of beneficiaries were women dairy farmers. In both training program participants were distributed with 5 kg of mineral mixture to inculcate the feeding habit of mineral mixture to the buffaloes to enhance reproductive efficiency.