Dr. JK Jena, DDG (AS), ICAR visited ICAR-CIRB on 8th of this December and chaired the 20th Annual Review Meeting of Network Project on Buffalo Improvement (NPBI). Dr. GK Gaur, ADG (AP&B) and Dr. HK Narula from ICAR HQ also joined the meeting online. Dr. TK Datta, Director and Project Coordinator presented the overall progress of the project. PIs and Co-PIs from different participating centres of NPBI on Murrah, Nili-Ravi, Bhadawari, Jaffrabadi, and Surti units joined the meeting and presented their respective centre’s annual progress. DDG (AS) also visited the Animal Farm Section at ICAR-CIRB, and addressed all the scientists and staffs of ICAR-CIRB. DDG (AS) emphasized on enhancing research productivity of scientists and motivated all the staffs of ICAR-CIRB, Hisar with his inspiring speech.