Dr. Yash Pal

Dr. Yash pal
Acting Director and Head (APR)

Name of the scientistDegreePresent position heldField of SpecializationEmailTelephoneMobile no
Dr Yash PalPh. DActing DirectorAnimal Physiologyyash.pal@icar.gov.in

Field of Specialization: Animal Physiology

Research Area/ Interest:

No. of Research Papers


No. of Books


No. of Book Chapters


No. of Popular Articles


Technical Bulletins




No. of Folders/Leaflets


No. Patents Granted / Filed


No. of MVSc Student Guided


No. of Ph.D. Student Guided


Number of ICAR Certified Technologies


Number of Commercialized Technologies



  • Technology certificate to develop “India’s First Lumpy Skin Disease Vaccine (Lumpi-ProVacInd)” (2023)
  • Technology certificate to develop “Ancovax: Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) vaccine for animals” (2023)
  • Technology certificate to develop “A novel HRM-based gap-qRT-PCR for identification and quantitation of the vaccine and field strain(s) of lumpy skin disease virus” (2023)
  • Technology certificate to develop “Hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine zinc oxide nanoparticle formulation” (2023)
  • Technology certificate to develop “Milk -Based cosmetic Products (Bathing soap, Body Butter and Lip Balm)” (2024)
  • Technology certificate to develop “Equi Skin: Product” (2024)
  • Technology certificate to develop “Semen cryopreservation in indigenous horses: Process” (2024)
  • Technology certificate to develop “Customised AV for semen collection from Stallions: Product” (2024)
  • Best poster award ISSAR (2000)
  • Society of Animal Physiology of India (SAPI)
  • Society for Conservation of Domestic Animal Biodiversity (SOCDAB)
  • Indian Society for Buffalo Development (ISBD)

Publications (Some of the publications published during last four years)

TR Talluri, Arumugam Kumaresan, Nilendu Paul, Kamaraj Elango, Kathan Raval, Pradeep Nag, RA Legha, Yash Pal (2024). Heterologous Seminal Plasma Reduces the Intracellular Calcium and Sperm Viability of Cryopreserved Stallion Spermatozoa. Biopreservation and Biobanking 22 (1): https://doi.org/10.1089/bio.2022.0197.

Prashant Singh, Anuradha Bhardwaj, Varij Nayan, RA Legha, Yash Pal, Sonali Soni, SK Giri, TK Bhattacharya (2024). Milk somatic cell DNA isolation and characterization of κ-casein gene in Halari donkey milk. Heliyon 10 (2): e24991.

TR Talluri, Sajjan Kumar, Yash Pal, RA Legha, RK Dedar, TK Bhattacharya (2024). Raj-Prathama: India’s first Marwari filly born through embryo transfer technology. Current Science 126 (3): 303-304.

Anju Manuja, B Kumar, Dharvi Chhabra, Basanti Brar, T Riyesh, Yash Pal, TK Bhattacharya, Minakshi Prasad (2024). Antiviral and Cytoprotective Effect of Zinc (Yasad Bhasma) Based Nanoformulations Against Bovine Coronavirus. Indian Journal of Microbiology 64 (1): https://doi.org/10.1007/s12088-024-01255

KK Gupta, SS Balajee, S Dey, P Tripathi, R Kumar, Yash Pal, Sanjay Kumar, Neha Gupta, Vikrant Sudan (2024). Assessment of variations in the haematological and hepatorenal biomarkers alongside oxidant-antioxidant imbalance in exotic and indigenous horses infected with Theileria equi. Equine Veterinary Education 36 (10): 520-526.

RK Dedar, Naveen Kumar, SD Narnaware, Jitender Singh, RA Legha, Yash Pal (2024). Management of seasonal dermatitis in horses by using leaf extract of Aerva javanica. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 23 (2): 154-161.

Riyesh Thachamvally, Yogesh Chander, Ram Kumar, Garvit Kumar, Nitin Khandelwal, Anagha G, Anju Manuja, RK Vaid, Naveen Kumar, Sanjay Barua, Yash Pal, BN Tripathi, TK Bhattacharya (2024). First Isolation and Genetic Characterization of Avian Nephritis Virus 4 from Commercial Poultry in India. Avian Diseases 68 (3) https://doi.org/10.1637/aviandiseases-D-23-00053.

Karnam Sangwan, Renu Garhwal, Rahul Mehra, Yash Pal, Anuradha Bhardwaj, Varij Nayan, Naveen Kumar, Shiv Kumar, Gulden Goksen, Jos´e M. Lorenzo, Harish Kumar (2023). Development and characterization of W/O/W double emulsion of watermelon rind powder. LWT- Food Science and Technology 182: 114848.

  1. Garhwal, A. Bhardwaj, K. Sangwan, R. Mehra, Yash Pal, V. Nayan, M.A. Iquebal, S. Jaiswal, H. Kumar (2023). Milk from Halari Donkey Breed: Nutritional Analysis, Vitamins, Minerals, and Amino Acids Profiling. Foods 12 (4): 853.

Sonali, Anuradha Bhardwaj, Unnati, Varij Nayan, RA Legha, TK Bhattacharya, Yash Pal, SK Giri (2023). Identification and characterization of single nucleotide polymorphisms in DMRT3 gene in Indian horse (Equus caballus) and donkey (Equus asinus) populations. Animal Biotechnology 34 (9): 4910-4920.

Renu Garhwal, Karnam Sangwan, Rahul Mehra, Anuradha Bhardwaj, Yash Pal, Varij Nayan, RA Legha, Manish Tiwari, ManMohan Singh Chauhan, Mir Asif Iquebal, Sarika Jaiswal, Harish Kumar (2023). Comparative metabolomics analysis of Halari donkey colostrum and mature milk throughout lactation stages using 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. LWT- Food Science and Technology 182: 114805.

Anuradha Bhardwaj, Gitanjali Tandon, Yash Pal, Nitesh Kumar Sharma, Varij Nayan, Sonali Soni, Mir Asif Iquebal, Sarika Jaiswal, RA Legha, TR Talluri, TK Bhattacharya, Dinesh Kumar, Anil Rai, BN Tripathi (2023). Genome-Wide Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism-Based Genomic Diversity and Runs of Homozygosity for Selection Signatures in Equine Breeds. Genes 14 (8): 1623.

Anju Manuja, Balvinder Kumar, Dharvi Chhabra, Basanti Brar, Riyesh Thachamvally, Yash Pal, Minakshi Prasad (2023). Synergistic Effect of Zinc-Chitosan Nanoparticles and Hydroxychloroquine to Inhibit Buffalo Coronavirus. Polymers 15: 2949.

TR Talluri, D Jhamb, Nilendu Paul, J Singh, RK Dedar, SC Mehta, RA Legha, Yash Pal (2023). Effect of isolation protocols and cryoprotectants on freezing of stallion epididymal spermatozoa. CryoLetters 44 (3): 134-141.

Naveen KumarSanjay BaruaRam KumarNitin KhandelwalAmit KumarAssim VermaLokender SinghBhagraj GodaraYogesh ChanderGarvit KumarT RiyeshDK SharmaAnubha PathakS KumarRK Dedar Vishal MehtaMitesh GaurBhupendra BhardwajVithilesh VyasSarjeet ChaudharyVijaypal YadavAdrish BhatiRakesh KaulArif BashirAnjum AndrabiRW YousufAbhimanyu KoulSubhash KachhawahaAmol GuravSiddharth GautamHA TiwariVK MunjalMK GuptaR KumarBR GulatiJyoti MisriAshok KumarAK MohantySukdeb NandiKP SinghYash PalTriveni DuttBN Tripathi (2023). Evaluation of the safety, immunogenicity and efficacy of a new live-attenuated lumpy skin disease vaccine in India. Virulence 14 (1): 2190647.

Ram Kumar, Bhagraj Godara, Yogesh Chander, Jai Prakash Kachhawa, RK Dedar, Assim Verma, Thachamvally Riyesh, Yash Pal, Sanjay Barua, BN Tripathi, Naveen Kumar (2023). Evidence of lumpy skin disease virus infection in camelsActa Tropica 242: 106922

Renu Garhwal, Karnam Sangwan, Rahul Mehra, Naveen Kumar, Anuradha Bhardwaj, Yash Pal, Harpal Singh Buttar, Harish Kumar (2022). A Systematic Review of the Bioactive Components, Nutritional Qualities and Potential Therapeutic Applications of Donkey Milk. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 115: 104006.

Sonali, Shiv Kumar Giri, Unnati, Varij Nayan, Ram Avatar Legha, Yash Pal, Anuradha Bhardwaj (2022). Characterization of Partial Sequence of Myostatin Gene Exon 2 along with SNP detection in Indian Horse Breeds (Equus caballus). Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 116 (doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2022.104047).


TR Talluri, A. Kumaresan, N. Paul, MK Sinha, JPES King, K. Elango, A. Sharma, K. Raval, RA Legha, Yash Pal (2022). High throughput deep proteomic analysis of seminal plasma from stallions with contrasting semen quality. Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine 68 (4): 272-285.


Yogesh Chander, Assim Verma, Nitin Khandelwal, Himanshu Nagori, Namita Singh, Shalini Sharma, Yash Pal, Apurvasinh Puvar, Rameshchandra Pandit, Nitin Shukla, Priyank Chavada, BN Tripathi, Sanjay Barua, Naveen Kumar (2022). Resistance Evolution against Host-directed Antiviral Agents: Buffalopox Virus Switches to Use p38-ϒ under Long-term Selective Pressure of an Inhibitor Targeting p38-α. Mol. Biol. Evol. 39 (9): msac177.


Ram Kumar, Yogesh Chander, Nitin Khandelwal, Assim Verma, Krishan Dutt Rawat, BN Shringi, Yash Pal, BN Tripathi, Sanjay Barua, Naveen Kumar (2022). ROCK1/MLC2 inhibition induces decay of viral mRNA in BPXV infected cells. Scientific Reports 12: 17811.


Ram Kumar, Nitin Khandelwal, Yogesh Chander, Himanshu Nagori, Assim Verma, Aditya Barua, Bhagraj Godara, Yash Pal,  BR Gulati, BN Tripathi, Sanjay Barua, Naveen Kumar (2021). S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase inhibitor DZNep blocks transcription and translation of SARS-CoV-2 genome with a low tendency to select for drug-resistant viral variants. Antiviral Research 197: 105232.  


Manuja A, Kumar B, Kumar R, Dharvi, Ghosh M, Manuja M, Brar B, Pal Y, Tripathi BN, Prasad M (2021). Metal/metal oxide nanoparticles: Toxicity concerns associated with their physical state and remediation for biomedical applications. Toxicology Reports 8: 1970-78.


Nitin Khandelwal, Yogesh Chander, Ram Kumar, Himanshu Nagori, Assim Verma, Priyasi Mittal, Thachamvally Riyesh, Sameer Kamboj, Sukhbir Singh Verma, Subhash Katreja, Yash Pal, BR Gulati, BN Tripathi, Sanjay Barua, Naveen Kumar (2021). Studies on growth characteristics and cross neutralization of wild type and Delta SARS-CoV-2 from Hisar (India). Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 11, 771524.


Ram Kumar, Nitin Khandelwal, Yogesh Chander, T Riyesh, BR Gulati, Yash Pal, BN Tripathi, Sanjay Barua, Naveen Kumar (2021). Emetine suppresses SARS-CoV-2 replication by inhibiting interaction of viral mRNA with eIF4E. Antiviral Research 189: 1-5.


Naveen Kumar, Yogesh Chander, Ram Kumar, Nitin Khandelwal, T Riyesh, Khushboo Chaudhary, K Shanmugasundaram, Sanjit Kumar, Anand Kumar, MK Gupta, Yash Pal, Sanjay Barua, BN Tripathi (2021). Isolation and characterization of lumpy skin disease virus from cattle in India. PLOS ONE 16(1): e0241022.


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