Completed Research Projects


PROJECT Investigator

1. Production of Double Muscled-Mass Farm Animal using CRISPR

D Kumar
2. Establishment of DNA bank of Murrah and Nili-Ravi buffalo herd

D Kumar

3. Use of OPU-IVEP in production of superior buffalo germplasm Jerome A

4. Development of Soft Computing Tool for Dairy Buffalo Selection Sunesh Balhara

5. Generation of predetermined sex buffalo embryos using CRISPR mediated gene editing technology Meeti Punetha
6. Fertility of Nili-Ravi buffaloes in relation to lactational, metabolic and environmental stressors. MH Jan

7. Enhancing economy of livestock farmers through AI using cloned buffalo bull semen PS Yadav

8. Buffalo sperm dosage in relation to functional parameters and field fertility outcome Sajjan Singh

9. Diversified farming through livestock and agriculture Ashok Boora
10. Integrated SOET and MOET for faster multiplication of elite buffaloes germplasm RK Sharma, I Singh, D Kumar, A Jerome, SKhanna
11. Effect of trehalose and sericine on freezability of buffalo bell semen P Kumar, P Sikka, D Kumar
12. Identification of Early pregnancy biomarkers in buffaloes by proteomic approach AK Balhara, I Singh
13. mRNA expression of some candidate genes in buffalo IVF embryos cultured in different media Sadeesh EM, AK Balhara, PS Yadav
14. Gene expression of proteolytic system and growth regulators in the mammary gland and skeletal muscles of buffalo V Nayan, I Singh, SK Phulia, AnuradhaBharadwaj, Jerome A, Dheer Singh (NDRI)
15. Identification of mi-RNAs expressed in different reproductive systems of buffalo corpus luteum Jerome A, SN Kala, SMK Thirumaran
16 Establishment of fertility-associated seminal plasma proteins as biomarkers through proteomics and nanotechnological approach in buffalo P Kumar, D Kumar, AK Balhara, SP Yadav
17 Effect of cryopreservation on integrity of buffalo sperm membrane and DNA in relation to fertility D Kumar, Pawan Singh, SP Yadav, PS Yadav, P Kumar
18 Polymorphism of candidate genes in association with embryonic morality in buffalo Jerome A, AK Pandey
19 Proteomic analysis of host defence response to mastitis in buffaloes SK Phulia, RK Sharma, AK Balhara, N Rana, V Nayan
20 Cloning for conservation and multiplication of superior buffalo Germplasm PS Yadav,Sadeesh EM, RK Sharma, D Kumar, NSelokar
21 Cryopreservation of somatic cells and cloned embryos for providing the future reproductive opportunities in buffalo Selokar N, PS Yadav, RK Sharma, D Kumar
22 Optimization of conditions for efficient gene transfer into buffalo somatic cells for transgenic embryo production D Kumar, N Selokar, PS Yadav
23 Impact of buffalo migration on socio-economic conditions and dairy development index of farmers in Haryana VB Dixit, A BharadwajKP Singh
24 Leptin and its receptor gene polymorphism with milk production traits in Murrah breed of buffaloes SP Yadav, AK Pandey, D Kumar, PS Yadav, RK Sethi
25 Effect of fenugreek seed supplementation in buffaloes A Boora, D Lal, BS Punia, N Rana, JK Singh, KP Singh, AK Balhara, A Dey

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Last updated: 30-01-2025