S. NoName of ScientistYearName of awardAwarding Body
1.Naresh Selokar2017Prof. SS Guraya Young Scientist awardISSRF at ICMR, New Delhi
2.Monika Saini2017Dr (Mrs.) Mridula Kamboj Young Scientist AwardISSRF at ICMR, New Delhi
3.Dharmendra Kumar, P Sharma, Naresh Selokar, K Vijayalakshmy, K Ananth and PS Yadav2017Best Poster AwardISSRF at ICMR, New Delhi
    • Dr. Inderjeet Singh, Director, ICAR-CIRB, participated in the Congress and presented a lead paper on ‘India’s rich and diverse buffalo germplasm for global buffalo development’ during the opening plenary session. During the General Body meeting of the Asian Buffalo Association, Dr. Inderjeet Singh, Director ICAR-CIRB was elected President of the ABA and it was decided that the next AsianBuffalo Congress be hosted by India, preferably in Hisar. Keen interest was evinced by all delegated in India’s buffalo germplasm
    • Ms. K. M. Kavya (M.V.Sc. Student) was presented ‘Young Scientist Award’ for the work by team Choudhary, K. K., Kavya, K. M., Jerome, A., Bharadwaj, A., Sharma, R. K. (2015). Resumption of post-partumcyclicity in relation to parity, body weight and body condition score in buffaloes under farm conditions in ISSAR Conference: Current Challenges and opportunities in Animal Reproduction (December,3 –December 5 , 2015), Bengaluru.
    • Dr. Hema Tripathi received ‘Best Oral Presentation Award’ during session on ‘Good Governance in private Extension’ for paper promotion of buffalo husbandry through breeder’s welfare association in Haryana: an innovative approach’ authored by Dixit, V. B., Tripathi, H., Duhan, A., and Singh, I. at the International Conference on Good Governance in Agriculture Extension (2015) jointly organized by MANAGE and Centre of Good Governance at Hyderabad.
    • Dr. Selokar, N.L. name was entered in Limca Book ofRecords-2015 for producing ‘Poornima’ cloned calf of high yielding buffalo at NDRI farm.
    • Paul, S.S., Dey, A., Baro, D., Jerome A., Punia, B. S.were presented ‘Best Paper Award’ for the paper ‘Ananalysis of comparative global diversity of bacteria in rumen of buffaloes and cattle’ in the XVI Biennial Animal Nutrition conference on Innovative Approaches for Animal Feeding & Nutritional Research.(February 6 -8,2016) at Karnal, Haryana.
    • Dr. Varij Nayan was presented ‘Certificate of Appreciation’ for the academic year 2014-15 at NDRI, Karnal in recognition of his outstanding research work in the field of Dairy Production. His Ph.D. thesis was selected from Animal Biochemistry division in Production category for Best Ph.D. thesis Award presentation competition on 01 March, 2016.
    • Buragohain, L., Nanda, T., Kumar, R., Ghosh, M., Gupta,S. S., Singh, I., Balhara, A. K. were presented ‘Best Paper Award’ for the paper ‘Expression profile of MX2 gene and protein for early pregnancy diagnosis in Murrah buffalo’ in the Annual Convention of SVBBI.
    • Dr. Selokar Naresh Lalaji, Scientists, ICAR- Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes received prestigious Best PhD Thesis Award 2014-15 during 13th convocation ceremony held on 14th February, 2015 at National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal. The award has been conferred upon his outstanding achievements in the field of buffalo cloning.
    • Dr Dharmendra Kumar, Scientist, ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes, Hisar bagged Prof. G. P. Talwar Young Scientist Award for his outstanding contributions in the field of reproductive biology from Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF) during International Conference on Reproductive Health & 25th Annual Meeting of the ISSRF held at National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health (NIRRH), Mumbai, from 14-17 February, 2015.
    • Dr. Dharmendra Kumar, Scientist, CIRB, Hisar got ICSCC Young Investigator Award-2014 from International Centre for Stem Cells, Cancer and Biotechnology, Pune during 5th International Conference on Stem Cells and Cancer (ICSCC-2014): Proliferation, Differentation and Apoptosis held at JNU, New Delhi, 8-10 November, 2014.
    • DBT CREST award fellowship for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine 2011-12 was availed by Dr Dharmendra Kumar from February 25, 2013 to February 20, 2014
    • Dey A was awarded with Dr. K. Pradhan Young Scientist Award for the biennium 2011-13 by the Animal Nutrition Society of India (ANSI) at Global Animal Nutrition Conference (GLANCE 2014), Bengaluru on April 20, 2014.
    • Dr. K.S. Das, and Dr. J. K.Singh received First Prize in Best Poster Presentation for the abstract entitled “Effect of heat stress management on body weight changes, dry matter intake, milk yield and economics in lactating Nili-Ravi buffaloes” in National Seminar on “New dimensional approaches for livestock productivity and profitability enhancement under era of climate change” and XXI Annual Convention of Indian Society of Animal Production and Management held at AAU, Anand, Gujarat on 28 – 30th January, 2014.

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Last updated: 20-03-2025