About CIRB

Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes (CIRB) was established in the year 1985 and started functioning from 1 February, 1985. A sub-campus was later added in December,1987 at Bir Dosanjh, Nabha, District Patiala, Punjab. A highly pedigreed breeding herd of Murrah is established at main campus in Hisar and that of Nili-Ravi buffaloes at sub-campus Nabha. The institute carries out research on various aspects of buffalo improvement including conservation, improvement and propagation of germplasm, development of optimum rations and feeding systems for different categories of buffaloes, enhancement of reproductive efficiency, health management practices for augmenting milk, meat and draught performance of the species.

The institute is aiming to improve buffaloes through identification, conservation and propagation of elite germplasm having high efficiency of reproduction and nutrient utilization for sustainable production and

The Mandate 

  • To undertake research and transfer of technology on all aspects of buffalo production.
  • To establish nucleus breeding herds of important buffalo breeds.
  • To act as repository of information on all aspects of buffalo production and development.


To develop and propagate high yielding elite buffalo germplasm for quality milk and meat production while retaining inherent draughtability across different regions of the country.


To improve the buffalo through identification, conservation and propagation of elite germplasm; having high efficiency of reproduction and nutrient utilization for sustainable production and commercialization.

This website belongs to , Indian Council of Agricultural Research, an autonomous organization under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India

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Last updated: 20-03-2025