Dr. P. S. Yadav

Dr. Prem Singh Yadav
Principal Scientist 


Name of the scientist DegreePresent position heldField of SpecializationEmailTelephoneMobile no
Dr PS Yadav MSC PhDPrincipal Scientist Animal Physiology psycirb@gmail.com16622816609812252532

Animal Reproductive Biotechnology, Stem cells, somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), transgenic animal production. Germplasm conservation.

No. of Research Papers67No. of Books / Manuals8
No. Book Chapters6No. of Popular Articles15
No. of Folders/Leaflets8No. Patents Granted / FiledNIL
No. of M.V.Sc. /M.Sc. Student Guided3No. of Ph.D. Student Guided6
Present No. of M.V.Sc./M.Sc. Students-Present No. of Ph.D. Student1

S.NoName of AwardAwarding InstitutionYear of AwardNational / International
1Indo German Project
DST- DAAD2017International
2Co-ordinator, ASAEN training ASAEN Association 2017International
3Awarded best poster as co-author at Annual meeting of ISSRF at ICMR, New Delhi, 23-25. 01. 2017ICMR, New Delhi during International Conference on Reproductive Health with Emphasis on Strategies for Infertility, AssistedReproduction and Fertility Planning2017International
4SAPI Fellow-2015Society of Animal Physiologists of India2015National
5Best paper as Co- AuthorISSAR2016National
6Member, DBT Project evaluation committee, J&K ProjectsDepartment of Biotechnology2016-2018National
7Jury member, Tehran – Iran12th Royan International Research Awards, Iran2015International
8Course Director, Short Term Training CourseDBT New Delhi2014National
9Principal Investigator
DBT Project (₹ 22.85 Lakhs)
Isolation and Characterization of Mesenchymal stem cells from amniotic fluid.2012-2014National
10Best Poster AwardInternational Conference on Biotechnology at CDLU, SirsaSept 2012International
11Jury member, Tehran – Iran8th Royan International Research Awards, Iran2011International
12DAAD ResearchDAAD Germany2010International
13Best Poster AwardSOCDAB Conference at AAU, Anand, Gujarat2010National
14Course Director, short courseICAR, New Delhi2007National
15Principal Investigator
(DBT funded, ₹67.13 Lakhs)
Isolation culture and characterization of adult stem cells in Buffaloes2007-2011National
16Post Doc Fellowship-
Long term DBT Overseas Associateship in Germany
Department of Biotechnology2003-2004International
17Outstanding Young Scientist awardThe Indian Society for Study of Animal Reproduction1996-19997National
  1. Indian Science congress- Life member
  2. Society of Animal Physiologists of India – Life Member
  3. Indian Society for Study of Animal Reproduction- Life member
  4. Indian Society for Buffalo Development- Life member
  5. Indian Society for Study of Reproduction and Fertility- Life Member
  6. Indian Society for Conservation of Animal Biodiversity- Life member
External funded 1
Inter institutional 1
International 1


NAAS Rating


1.  Sadeesh EM, Shah F, Kataria M, Yadav PS. 2015. A comparative study on expression profile of developmentally important genes during pre-implantation stages in buffalo hand-made cloned embryos derived from adult fibroblasts and amniotic fluid derived stem cells.Cytotechnology, DOI 10.1007/s10616-015-9904-7


2. Kumar P, Kumar D, Balhara AK , Saini M, Yadav SP, Yadav PS. 2015. Liposome-based semen extender is suitable alternative to egg yolk-based extender for cryopreservation of buffalo (Bubalusbubalis) semen. Animal Reproduction Science, 159 (2015) 38–45




3. Ghosh K, Selokar NL, Kumar R, Dhattarwal JS, Ghalwat SK , Kumar D, Yadav SP, Gulati BR, Yadav PS. 2015. Buffalo term amniotic membrane cells exhibited mesenchymalctem cell characteristics in vitro. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Animal, DOI: 10.1007/s11626-015-9920-0


4. Mohanty N, Gulati BR, Kumar R, Gera S, Kumar S, Kumar P, Yadav PS. 2014. Phonotypical and functional characteristics of mesenchymal stem cells derived from equine umbilical cord blood. Cytotechnology, DOI 10.1007/s10616-014-9831-z.


5. Gulati BR, Kumar R, Mohanty N, Kumar P, Kumar R, Somasundram, Yadav PS. 2014. Bone morphogenetic protein-12 induces tenogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells derived from equine amniotic fluid.  Cells Tissues Organs, 198(5):377-89. DOI: 10.1159/000358231


6. Mann A, Yadav RP, Singh J, Kumar D, Singh B, YadavPS. 2013. Culture, characterization and differentiation of cells from buffalo amnion. Cytotechnology, 65 (1): 23-30


7. Yadav PS, Mann A, Singh V, Yashveer S, Sharma RK, Singh I. 2012. Expression of pluripotency genes in buffalo (Bubalusbubalis) amniotic fluid cells. Reproduction in Domestic Animals. 46(4) 705-711


8. Yadav PS, Kues WA, Herrmann D, Carnwath JW, Niemann H. 2005. Bovine ICM derived cells express the OCT-4 ortholog.  MolReprodDev, 72 (2) 182-190 (NAAS Rating 8.81).



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