Murrah buffalo is pride of Haryana. It has brought laurels to the state and handsome income to the farmers and breeders. To further improve this programme at a rapid pace Murrah Buffalo Breeders Welfare Association was established on 21st June, 2013 with the following objectives:
To register, conserve and propagate superior germplasm.
To further improve elite germplasm of the farmers.
Improvement in production performance through progeny testing and data recording
To create awareness for maintaining superior germplasm through organizing buffalo melas, health and infertility treatment camps.
The association was established under the guidance and support of Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes, Hisar. Farmers owning best buffaloes and bulls were identified and were called for meeting at the premises of CIRB. More than 70 farmers attended the meeting on 21st June 2013 where they were motivated to have the association for their welfare. After the meeting farmers deliberated amongst themselves and the general body nominated ad hoc executive committee having President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer for a period of one year. The society was registered as “Murrah Buffalo Breeders’ Welfare Association” in Jan 2014. Constitution of Association was prepared and membership fee etc. was decided. Since then regular meetings are conducted by the members. Membership campaign has been initiated and buffalo owners are coming forward to become members. It was decided after this stipulated period that the executive committee wil be elected for a period of 3 years.It was decided that role of executive body will be to carry out day to day business like cheque signing, passing of resolutions, conducting meetings etc.Since its establishment, the association is working with full zeal. It is encouraging farmers to rear best Murrah germplasm for meeting the increasing milk requirements of the masses as well as means of income for buffalo breeders. In this regard, a Murrah breed and milk competition is proposed to be organized in association with the Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes at Hisar on 31st August, 2014 for different categories of buffaloes.