Dr. B. P. Kushwaha

 Dr. B. P. Kushwaha
Principal Scientist
E- mail: bp_kush@yahoo.com


Name of the scientistDegreePresent position heldField of SpecializationEmailTelephoneMobile no
Dr . Badri Prasad KushwahaPh.D. Animal BreedingPrincipal Scientist (Animal Genetics and Breeding)Buffalo Breeding and Conservationbadhri.khushwaha@icar.gov.in, bpkush64@gmail.comEPBX with Extension No. 0510-2730666-2119450077724

Evaluation, improvement and conservation of Bhadawari Buffaloes

Junior research Fellowship (JRF) under ICAR project during Master degree
ICAR Senior Research Fellowship (SRF), during Ph.D

In ISBD (Indian Society for Buffalo Development)
I ISSGPU (Indian Society for sheep and goat production and utilization)
SOCDAB (Society for Conservation of Domestic and Animal Biodiversity)

Institutional Performance recording and improvement of Bhadawari buffaloes
External funded
Inter institutional

Top Eight Research Publications 

Reference NAAS Rating
1. B P Kushwaha, A mandal, A L Arora, R Kumar, S Kumar and D R Notter (2009). Direct and Maternal (Co) variance components and heritability estimates for body weights in Chokla sheep. J. Anim. Breed.Genet. 126 (2009)278-287 7.75
2. Kushwaha B P, Sultan Singh and S B Maity (2011) .Seasonality of calving in Bhadawari and Murrah Buffaloes in Bundelkhand India. Buffalo Bulletin (December 2011) Vol. 30 No. 4: 256-261 6.97
3. Sultan Singh, B. P. Kushwaha, S. K. Nag, A. K. Mishra, S. Bhattacharya, P. K. Gupta and A. Singh (2011). In vitro methane emission from Indian dry roughages in relation to chemical composition Current Science 101 (1) 57-65. 6.97
4.S Singh, B P Kushwaha, S K Nag, A K Misra, A Singh and U Y Anele (2012) Invitro ruminant fermentation, protein, carbohydrate fraction, methane production and prediction of twelve commonly used Indian green forages. Animal feed Scinece & Technology 178(1), 2-11 7.71
5. Sultan Singh. B. P. Kushwaha , S. K. Nag. S. Bhattacharya. P. K. Gupta and A K Misra (2012) Assessment of enteric methane emission of Indian livestock in different agro-ecological regions. Current Science 1017-1027. 6.97
6. B P Kushwaha, Sultan Singh, N Das, S B maity, K K singh and J Jayasankar (2013) Production and reproductive performance of Bhadawari buffaloes in Uttar Pradesh, India Journal of Buffalo Science, 2013, 2, 72-77. 6.17
7. Sultan Singh, B P Kushwaha, S B Maity, K K Singh and N Das (2014). Effect of nutrient levels and source on feed intake, nutrients digestability, rumen profile, blood metabolites and growth in Bhadawari buffalo female calves. Indian Journal of Animal Science 84(4):442-446. 6.87
8. Sultan Singh B. P. Kushwaha S. B. Maity, K. K. Singh· N. Das (2015) Effect of dietary protein on intake, nutrients utilization, nitrogen balance, blood metabolites, growth and puberty in growing Bhadawari buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) heifers. Tropical Animal Health and Production. 47:213-220. 6.87
8. Anil Kumar & B P Kushwaha (2015). Prioritizing Districts in India for buffalo Development. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 85(10):1087-1091, October 2015.. 6.17
8. Sultan Singh. B. P. Kushwaha , A. K. Mishra, S. K. Nag. S. Bhattacharya. P. K. Gupta and A. Singh (2016) Nutritive value and methane production potential of energy and protein rich feedstuffs fed to livestock in Indian. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 86 (5): 581-588. 6.17

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