Dr. Avijit Dey

 Dr. Avijit Dey
Principal Scientist and Head, ANFT Division
E-mail: avijitcirb@gmail.com
Name of the scientistDegreePresent position heldField of SpecializationEmailTelephoneMobile no
Dr. Avijit DeyPhD, MSc, BVSc & AHPrincipal ScientistAnimal Nutritionavijitcirb@gmail.com+91-1662-281619+91-9728334810

All aspects of animal nutrition with emphasis on enteric methane mitigation from ruminants, protein nutrition, feed analysis and formulation.


No. of Research Papers 41 No. of Books / Manuals 2
No. Book Chapters 16 No. of Popular Articles 13
No. of Folders/Leaflets 10 No. Patents Granted / Filed 1
No. of M.V.Sc. /M.Sc. Student Guided 2 No. of Ph.D. Student Guided
Present No. of M.V.Sc./M.Sc.  Students 1 Present No. of Ph.D. Student
S.No. Name of Award Awarding Agency Year
1. NADS -Associate Fellow 2018 National Academy of Dairy Sciences (INDIA) 2018
2. Distinguished Scientist Award Society of Bioresource and Stress Management 2017
3. Australia Awards- Endeavour Research Fellowship 2016 for Post. doc. Research Deptt. of Education and Training, Australian Govt. 2016
4. Reviewer Excellence Award Agriculture Science Communication Centre (ARCC), Karnal 2016
5. Best paper award Animal Nutrition Society of India 2016
6. Best paper award Animal Nutrition Association 2015
7. Dr. K. Pradhan Young Scientist Award (2011-2013) Animal Nutrition Society of India 2014
8. FAO-IAG Proficiency Test Accreditation Certificate for Feed Analysis to Division of ANFT as lead Scientist FAO of UN 2014
9. Senior Research Fellowship ICAR- IVRI, Izatnagar 2002-2005
10. Junior Research Fellowship ICAR, New Delhi 2000-2002
11. University Merit Scholarship W.B.U.A.F.S., Kolkata 1994-1999
12 National Scholarship Govt. of West Bengal 1992, 1994


  1. Animal Nutrition Society of India, CEC and Life member
  2. Animal Nutrition Association, India, Life Member
  3. Indian Society for Buffalo Development, Life Member
  4. Indian Veterinary Association, Annual Member (2005-2017)
Institutional Effect of stimulants on fibre degradation, methane emission and fungal population in buffaloes (PI)
External funded
Inter institutional Evaluation of sorghum cultivars on growth rate and feed utilization in buffalo (PI, CIRB-IIMR collaboration)
Sl. No. Publications NAAS Journal ID NAAS 2018 Score


Dey, A., De, P.S. and Gangopadhyay, P.K. 2017. Black gram (Vigna Mungo L.) foliage supplementation to crossbred cows: effects on feed intake, nutrient digestibility and milk production. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 30: 187-191. Published online June, 2016 A294 6.86
2. Paul, S.S., Dey, A., Baro, D. and Punia, B.S. 2017. Comparative community structure of archaea in rumen of buffaloes and cattle. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 97: 3284-93. Published online Dec, 2016 J461 8.46
3. Balhara, A.K., Varij Nayan, Dey, A., Singh, K.P., Dahiya, S.S. and Singh, I. 2017. Climate change and buffalo farming in major milk producing states of India- present status and needs for addressing concerns. Indian Journal of Animal Science, 87: 403-411. I035 6.19
4. Paul, S.S., Deb, S.M., Dey, A., Somvanshi, S.P.S., Singh, D., Rathore, R. and Stiverson, J. 2015. 16S rDNA analysis of archaea indicates dominance of Methanobacterium and high abundance of Methanomassiliicoccaceae in rumen of Nili-Ravi buffalo. Anaerobe, 35: 3-10 A143 8.28
5. Dey, A., Dutta, N., Pattanaik, A.K. and Sharma, K. 2015. Antioxidant status, metabolic profile and immune response of lambs supplemented with tannin rich Ficus infectoria leaf meal. Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research, 63 (1): 15-24 J004 6.70
6. Dey, A and De, P.S. 2014. Influence of condensed tannins from Ficus bengalensis leaves on feed utilization, milk production and antioxidant status of crossbred cows. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science 27 (3): 342-348. A294 6.86
7. Dey, A., Dutta, N., Sharma, K. and Pattanaik, A.K. 2008. Effect of dietary inclusion of Ficus infectoria leaves as a protectant of proteins on the performance of lambs. Small Ruminant Research, 75: 105-114. S041 6.95
8. Dey, A., Sehgal, J.P., Puniya, A.K. and Singh, K. 2004. Influence of An Anaerobic Fungal culture (Orpinomyces sp.) Administration on Growth rate, Ruminal fermentation and Nutrient digestion in Calves. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 17(6): 820-824. A294 6.86
9. Dey, A., Dutta, N., Sharma, K. and Pattanaik, A.K. 2006. Evaluation of condensed tannins in tropical tree leaves and its impact on in vitro nitrogen degradability of groundnut cake. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, 6: 215-222. A162 6.22
10. Dey A, Paul SS, Pandey P and Rathore R 2014. Potential of Moringa oleifera leaves in modulating in vitro methanogenesis and fermentation of wheat straw in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 84 (5): 533-538. I035 6.19


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