Sire Index | 2121Kg | |
Percentage Superiority over contemporary daughters | 13.31% | |
Date of Birth | 29.09.96 | |
Sire Number | 759 | |
Dam Number | 618 | |
Dam Yield | 2675 kg | |
Sire’s Dam Yield | 2650 Kg | |
Semen Doses Available | 2443 | |
Cost per dose |
Sire Index | 2121Kg | |
Percentage Superiority over contemporary daughters | 13.31% | |
Date of Birth | 29.09.96 | |
Sire Number | 759 | |
Dam Number | 618 | |
Dam Yield | 2675 kg | |
Sire’s Dam Yield | 2650 Kg | |
Semen Doses Available | 2443 | |
Cost per dose |
Sire Index | 1972 kg | |
Percentage Superiority over contemporary daughters | 9.29% | |
Date of Birth | 31-10-96 | |
Sire Number | 3551 | |
Dam Number | 3527 | |
Dam Yield | 3512Kg | |
Sire’s Dam Yield | 3897Kg | |
Semen Doses Available | 4010 | |
Cost per dose |
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